15 BLOGging Tips from Matt Cutts

Better BLOGging tips from WordCamp ’07

An excellent write-up from this event was posted by Charles over at Blogging Pro, and can be read here. (For more on WordCamp ’07, please read Charles extensive summary of Day 0 and 1.)

I’ve re-posted Charles’ section covering what Mat Cutts described as his 15-points for better blogging, that I thought were good enough tips to repost below.

  1. Don’t put your blog at the root of your domain.
  2. Name your directory “blog” instead of “wordpress”.
  3. In URLs, no spaces are worst, underscore are better, dashes or hyphens are best.
  4. Use alt tags on images: not only is it good accessibility, it’s good SEO.
  5. Include keywords naturally in your posts.
  6. Make your post dates easy to find.
  7. Check your blog on a cell phone and/or iPhone.
  8. Use partial-text feeds if you want more page views; use full-text feeds if you want more loyal readers.
  9. Blogs should do standard pings.
  10. Standardize backlinks (don’t mix and match www with non-www).
  11. Use a permanent redirect (301) when moving to a new host.
  12. Don’t include the post date in your URL.
  13. When moving between hosts, wait until Googlebot and traffic begin to visit the new host before taking down the old one.
  14. If using AdSense, use sectioning.
  15. Use FeedBurner’s (now) free MyBrand feature to take control of your feeds (i.e., feed.bloggingpro.com instead of http://feeds.feedburner.com/bloggingpro/PfjF.

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