While Camping at St Vrain State Park…

While an afternoon of fishing at our local St Vrain State Park in eastern Longmont, I kept watching the formation of this spectacular sunset. It just kept getting better and BETTER until this image formed in my mind – the Colorado State flag. Perfect place with perfect timing.
Posted in Sunrise/Sunset, Sunrise/Sunset and tagged colorado blue sky, colorado flag, fly fishing, sunsets by greggl with no comments yet.
Bald Eagle Pond Has a New Perch
The massive Cottonwood tree out on the island in Bald Eagle Pond, St Vrain State Park, was toppled sometime over this past year. Now all that remains is the bottom third. Very sad.
While we were camping there this past weekend, a juvenile Crane lighted on top of what’s left of the old tree, sunny and preening herself. This is a very tight crop of an image taken from about 250 yards away, hand-held with my Nikon 200-500 lens.

Posted in General, Nature, Sunrise/Sunset by greggl with no comments yet.
Lake Marie, Wyoming
I took a slight detour/adventure trip last weekend while camping at Curt Gowdy State Park in Wyoming. I drove about 1.5 hrs West of our camp spot to the top of the Snowy Range pass, to go fish a little alpine lake I remember from a day-trip with my wife Katherine back in the fall of 1996 or 1997.
Nestled near the top of the Snowy Range Pass, just west of Laramie Wyoming, sits these lakes and the picture below is of Lake Marie. Wow. What a scene! Fishing was pretty good too, catching Rainbows and Brookies on a Parachute BWO.

Posted in Fine Art, Landscapes, Sunrise/Sunset and tagged fishing, Lake Marie, Snowy Range, Wyoming by greggl with no comments yet.