Copyright Protection using Photoshop Actions

Here’s a quick article from Bert P. Krages II about using Photoshop Actions to help quickly incorporate copyright issues into your normal workflow of processing images. Check out the short article here.

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New Camera Rental Shop Found

Steve Parker forwarded me a new rental shop for Canon and Nikon gear. The usual shops like and are notoriously swamped and always out of gear, so anytime another rental house comes around, it’s a good thing to know.

I checked their web site today and notice that they claim to have most of the Nikon lenses I was snooping on hand and in stock, ready to be rented. And they seem to have comparable rates. Definitely worth checking out before laying down our hard earned cash for a lens that we’re not sure will fit our shooting styles.

Here’s their link:

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Arts and Crafts Show Listings

I found this site today that I’ve been promising FRPSers that I’d dig up and share with them. It’s a site dedicated to listing all the arts and crafts shows across the country for the entire year. You can refine your search too, but selecting a date period and/or a state in which to search too.

Visit Arts and Crafts Shows to learn more about this year’s juried art shows.

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