Boulder Photowalk 2008

Back before I left for Maui, I setup a Photowalk in Boulder for the Saturday after I returned from Maui. Not knowing what to expect, on the morning of the walk, 11 other photographers met me at the corner of 15th and Pearl Street in Boulder to begin our journey. About half of the photographers I’d never shot with before, so the outing was going to be very interesting. Some old faces and a few new faces joined the walk.

I’ve setup a group to allow everyone on the walk to upload their images of the day too. That link is here.

Below are my favorites from my set of images from the day.

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Vacation Time – Maui

Back in the middle of April, I spent 9 days in Kaanapali with my family and two other families. Below are a small sampling of the 7Gb of images I brought back.


Tiki Lamps Sunset

Katherine and Sofia

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