Paul Harcourt: Water droplets: nature’s ultra-wide lenses. PHD

A nice how-to article from Paul on the setup and shooting of water droplets: Niall Benvie. Paul Harcourt Davies. Andrew Parkinson. » Water droplets: nature’s ultra-wide lenses. PHD.

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Creative Nature Photography – Orton Imagery

Here’s a nice write-up on two techniques to apply to your imagery back in the darkroom. The basic effect is called the Orton Effect (I call it the Dreamy effect and I’ve created a Lightroom Preset that effectively does this same technique–email me if you want it).

From the article here: Creative Nature Photography – Orton ImageryThe technique is now firmly entrenched in the arsenal of creative techniques that photographers use to create expressive imagery. Orton Imagery originally was a slide-film based technique but it can be easily replicated using digital images and photo software. For those not familiar with Orton Imagery here is a summary of the methods for both slide shooters and digital photographers.”

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Keywords « Nick Potter Photography

For you Lightroom users out there, here are seven sets of Keywords « Nick Potter Photography that you can easily import into your Lightroom catalog and use.

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