Happy Holidays

I hope Santa brings you everything you’ve asked for this year. He sure has for our house already! Sofia, Brian and David are soooo excited.

McKenzie 100

McKenzie 100

Here’s an image from a session last weekend. I photographed Little McKenzie way back when she was a newborn and now look at her! They grow up so fast! Take a moment today and hug your kids and enjoy them while they’re little. So precious…. Happy Holidays!

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Lunar Eclipse

Kind of convenient that my 8-year old daughter is studying stars and planets in school right now and this Lunar Eclipse “happens” to occur now. She wanted to view it, so I woke her up at 12:30 (after checking outside myself to make sure the clouds had dissipated, and viola. What a beautiful sight!

Lunar Eclipse 030

Lunar Eclipse 030

Camera specs: 2.0sec at f/5.6, 200 ISO, 300mm focal, Nikon D90

Posted in Nighttime and tagged , , by with 1 comment.