Sunset Cliffs

Caught this sunset last Friday night from the Sunset Cliffs area near Point Loma, San Diego.

San Diego 20140328 763 (Edit)

San Diego 20140328 763 (Edit)

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Homestead Part 2

As an update to yesterday’s post, here’s the color version of the same composition I converted to B&W and posted yesterday. Check out how neatly manicured and well kept these grounds are! Amazing and envious (my personal preferences)…


Barns 20140302 062 (Edit-2)

Barns 20140302 062 (Edit-2)

Posted in Barns, Fine Art, Landscapes and tagged , , , by with no comments yet.


On my travels and searches for barns here along the Front Range near me, I came across this neatly manicured farm and snow white barn sitting on the corner of County Road 7 and East State Highway 56. No one was home and it looked like they had all left for the winter, yet the yard/landscape was extremely neat and clean. No dead fallen leaves, no cow pies in the yard, nothing. Just a beautiful setting on the corner.


Barns 20140302 062 (Edit)

Barns 20140302 062 (Edit)

This little barn set about 30 years to the south of the main house is not as old as the others I found during this trip, but the setting was so pristine that I loved the compositions, colors and textures. And then I converted this one image to B&W and loved it too. What do you think? Do you want to see the original color version too?

Posted in Barns, Landscapes, Shoots and tagged , , , by with no comments yet.