Day 4 of 5 – Black and White Challenge With a Twist

Today’s image was made about 2 miles north of my house here in Erie on a cold, snowy day back in early February of this year. I love all the negative space the snow adds/hides in this image. Here too are the before and after shots (or in this case, original and b/w) combined into one animated GIF. Something different, cool or whatever…


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Day 2 of 5 – Black and White Challenge

Day 2 / 5 Black and White Photo Challenge, nominated/challenged by Steve Parker.

One of my favorite locations to shoot – Chautauqua Park in Boulder, home of the Flatirons as these rock faces are named. Here’s to hoping how the Flatirons will look when this arctic blast of cold shivers into Colorado this week. This image was captured in early February 2011, and, if I remember correctly, Kevin Barnes and Steve can verify, the temperature this particular morning was a bitter 5 degrees with a sub-zero wind chill. (What was I thinking, leaving a warm bed?)

Chautauqua ParkAM 20110209_104

Chautauqua ParkAM 20110209_104 – © Gregg Lowrimore Photography

Today I nominated/challenged Andy Garza, and April Fischer. It’s optional, but try to post 1 BW image a day for 5 straight days, and each day nominate one+ person to the challenge. Good luck!

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Day 3 of 5 – Black and White Challenge

Day 3 of 5 – Black and White Challenge

This image comes from Monument Valley at a locale known as “Ford’s Point” named after the Actor/Director John Ford, who filmed several of his films in the valley. John said, “The real star of my Westerns is the land. A Western is all about the land.” – See more here.

Monument Valley 20120226 113_HDR

Monument Valley 20120226 113_HDR – © Gregg Lowrimore Photography

Posted in Fine Art, HDR, Landscapes and tagged , , , , , by with no comments yet.