Fetcher Barn

We spent a short, but wonderful weekend camping at Steamboat Lake State Park this past weekend and I couldn’t resist hopping over to the Fetch Brothers Barn again.

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Steamboat Lake 20160827 128_30_29_31_32 HDR Edit

Also located the second Fetcher Barn down near Columbine/Clark Colorado. I’ll have to stop can capture that barn the next time we go camping at Steamboat Lake (highly recommended camping spot, too)

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A Quick Trip to Mt. Evans

I took a quick trip up to 14,000ft Mt. Evans the other day, to get away from everything and the heat. It was so nice to just pull off onto a dirt turnout, turn off the truck and sit out on a rock. I had my new camera and new lens setup with me, and it was surprising how many marmots and picas came out to sun bathe while I just sat there.

Enjoy these photos…

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Looking across at the crowd on top of Mt. Bierstadt from Mt Evans 20160807 174

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Mt Evans 20160807 230

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