Zion National Park – The Watchman

On the day before we were leaving the area, I drove Mom and Dad and my daughter down to Zion National Park, about 70 miles Southwest of where we have been camping all week. It turned out to be very much worth the trip. And even though these images are not under optimal lighting conditions, the clouds really made them work, and a little polarizer.

Zion National Park - The Watchman

Zion National Park – The Watchman

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Bryce Canyon National Park – Inspiration Point (Left)

Here’s the other half of Inspiration Point, to the left of the previous image I posted yesterday.

Bryce Canyon National Park - Inspiration Point

Bryce Canyon National Park – Inspiration Point

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Bryce Canyon National Park – Inspiration Point

Here’s the iconic Bryce National Park shot, Inspiration Point. This is the mostly East looking view. There’s a whole other section to the left of this shot I’ll later on….

Bryce Canyon - Inspiration Point Overlook

Bryce Canyon – Inspiration Point Overlook

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