Photo Show-time Again

2007 Louisville Art Association’s 16th Annual National/Regional Juried Photography Show

Welcome to the 2007 Louisville Art Association’s 16th Annual National/Regional Juried Photography Show. The complete prospectus is available for download now via the link:
2007 National/Regional Photography Show Prospectus

This year’s show promises to be the best ever and includes several exciting changes.

  1. Slides, prints and digital submissions are now being accepted!
  2. CD or email submissions are being accepted, as well!
  3. And a new set of categories (new ‘Theme’ category) for this year’s show

Please download the prospectus above and read through it in its entirety. You will find the email submission address, entry forms and category definitions, as well as important dates for this show.

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WordPress Security Warning

Long story short: If you downloaded WordPress 2.1.1 within the past 3-4 days, your files may include a security exploit that was added by a cracker, and you should upgrade all of your files to 2.1.2 immediately.

Longer explanation: This morning we received a note to our security mailing address about unusual and highly exploitable code in WordPress. The issue was investigated, and it appeared that the 2.1.1 download had been modified from its original code. We took the website down immediately to investigate what happened.

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Fixed the G2 Album Navigation Sidebar Entry!

The problem was in the readfile call, which is a security violation on more and more PHP sites/installations. The workaround was found in this forum thread.

Implementing a Curl Security call rather than readfile worked like a charm.

Wooo-hooo! Success!

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