Chris Jordan Photography

For a eerily, yet beautiful look back at Katrina and the devastation she left behind, check out Chris Jordan’s In Katrina’s Wake – Portraits of Loss From an Unnatural Disaster photo exhibition on his web site. He also sells his exhibitions in the form of a book too. Check out his web site for further details.

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Why Your Wife Wants You to Buy that New Camera

Also stumbled upon an interesting perspective from Ken Rockwell on Why Your Wife Wants You to Buy that New Camera

This article presents an interesting perspective and twist on how you’re going to make that next camera purchase!

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What’s your Goal? by Thom Hogan

Stumbled across this nice little post by Thom Hogan entitled What’s your Goal? and his quote: You can’t get there from here if you don’t know where here and there are.

Good read!

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