Crescent Moon and Venus

I tried capturing the Crescent Moon and Venus convergence last evening. What a beautiful site though.

I read somewhere, perhaps on Space Weather that 1/320th at f/5.6 and 400 ISO would be a good starting point for the exposure settings, but I didn’t like what I was seeing in the LCD using those settings, so I had to open things up a bit to get the right exposure for my location and timeframe and sunset.

Not the best exposure though. It’s tougher than it looks, even though they say to think of the moon as a daytime exposure, but I think that’s in reference to the full moon. When it’s a crescent moon, the story is a little different… ;)

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Valentine’s Day Rose – 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

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Bulls Sparring in the Park

During a recent trip into Rocky Mountain National Park, my friend Steve and I came across a large herd of Elk just grazing down near the Fall River Road entrance.

These two young bulls started sparring on the one end of the hred while this older bull was kind of refereeing the whole event and keeping an eye on us taking pictures of them.

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