Day After March Blizzard

It was beautiful, but shall we say… breezy, day after the March Blizzard.

We drove up to Red Feather Lakes to spend a quiet weekend away. I decided to go exploring from the house and wound up at the roads-end with this view….


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Full Moon Rising

Shortly after the image of the Waxing Crescent Moon and Venus (see post below) occurred, I caught the full moon rising one evening just after the sunset. The haze and dust in the near-the-surface atmosphere causes the moon to be quite yellow and distortedly large like this. This image may not show it, but the moon is just a few degrees above the horizon, with a hill rising before it. Handheld in 35 degree weather with a slight breeze that dropped the wind chill down into the twenties. My hands were freezing!

Full Moon Rising

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Words Worth a Thousand Pictures!

“Our pictures are our footprints. It’s the best way to tell people we were here.”

from DLWS…Far and Away…. | Joe McNally’s Blog.

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