Sofia’s Reverance Dance Rehearsal 2009

Something a little different for today. Our daughter Sofia had her full-on dress rehearsal for her dance recital tomorrow night. She attends Reverance Dance Academy and every year they put on this wonderful show, with each class and style of dance putting on a routine for the parents and relatives (and anyone else) to come watch and raise money for the academy. This year, Sofia took the Jazz class and she put on quite a show. Check it out below.


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Backyard Robin

I got tired of looking at the computer this weekend and ventured out back on Saturday to see how our Peonies, Roses and vegetable garden were fairing with all this afternoon rain we’ve been getting. The Peonies have lots of buds, but only one bloom as of today, the Roses are budding up like mad, and the garden seems to be enjoying the moisture as well. While out looking for things to shoot, this curious Robin was out following me around the backyard. I don’t know if s/he was trying to keep me from their nest (I haven’t located the yearly Robin’s nest yet) or just out hunting for worms in the grass. But he sure was curious what I was doing with this black camera in my hands…

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Cherry Blossoms

Spent some time in our yard photographing the blossoming trees we currently have. Here’s an image from our Cherry Tree. I must have waited 30 minutes for a bee to land within my composition!

Cherry Blossoms

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