Grand Lake

Here’s a different view of downtown Grand Lake, from our recent family trip to the area.

Downtown Grand Lake is old and rustic, with wooden boardwalks, store fronts and planter boxes. Most of the downtown area is original buildings: jail, opera house, saloons, general grocers, etc. with a taste of modern thrown in. Nighttime comes and the board walks are empty except for the occasional dining patron heading home.

Grand Lake _20120729 549-50-51

Grand Lake 20120729 549-50-51

Grand Lake 20120729 528 HDR

Grand Lake 20120729 528 HDR

Grand Lake 20120729 546 HDR

Grand Lake 20120729 546 HDR

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Harvest Time

Harvest time near Valmont and 95th Street, East Boulder, Colorado.

Harvest 20120723 025 Edit

Harvest 20120723 025 Edit

D90 capture, Lightroom 4, Silver Efex Pro

Posted in Landscapes and tagged , , , , by with no comments yet.

Meet Malena

Our friends, Megan and Eric, recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Only problem for me as a photographer, they lived on the East Coast! So it wasn’t until last weekend that we could meet the new addition, and little Malena is already 3 months old now. What a cutie!

Here’s one image from our session last Sunday.

Malena 20120624 040

Posted in Infants/Toddlers and tagged , , , by with no comments yet.