More From Monument Valley Last Year

I was looking back over my photo library tonight and came across some unfinished imagery from a trip to Arizona’s Monument Valley last February with Steve Parker. All three images are 3-shot HDR images processed through either Photomatix Pro or HDR Efex Pro and/or Silver Efex Pro 2. And all three are from a guided tour into the Totem Pole site within Monument Valley.

Totem Pole © Gregg Lowrimore Photography

Totem Pole II © Gregg Lowrimore Photography

(The image above exported from Lightroom into a Photoshop Droplet that calls a custom web poster action I drew up after following Moose Peterson’s excellent little tutorial here.)

Totem Pole III © Gregg Lowrimore Photography

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From Current Photographer: 3 Tip for Better B&W Conversions in Lightroom

3 tip to better B&W Conversions in Lightroom

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From Big Sun Photography – Photographer Store Reviews


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