Lake Mac Sunset

Another sunset shot from our last evening at Lake Maconaughy this past weekend.

Sunset HDR Lake Maconaughy 20140726 537_8_9

Sunset HDR Lake Maconaughy 20140726 537_8_9

I have many more sunsets from this trip to post if you’re interested in seeing them….

Posted in General, HDR, Sunrise/Sunset and tagged , , , by with no comments yet.

Wellington Sunset

Another sunset image from our “glamping” trip to the KOA in Wellington, about 40 minutes North of Denver.

Sunset 20140703 022

Sunset 20140703 022

Posted in General, Landscapes and tagged , , , by with no comments yet.

Jackson Lake Sunset

I am so looking forward to nights like this, camping in our trailer and witnessing sunsets like this one…

Sunset 20140712 082 3_4 HDR

Sunset 20140712 082 3_4 HDR

Sunset 20140712 112_3_4 HDR

Sunset 20140712 112_3_4 HDR

Sunset 20140712 124_5_6 HDR

Sunset 20140712 124_5_6 HDR

Sunset 20140712 133 (Edit)

Sunset 20140712 133 (Edit)

Posted in HDR, Landscapes, Nature and tagged , , , by with no comments yet.