Big Dipper Over Carter Lake

Camping this past weekend was beautiful. We ventured up to Carter Lake, about 35 minutes northwest of our home and in the foothills. An easy trip but a quick way to get away and relax. And as the sun set, I setup the tripod and camera and was able to capture the Big Dipper as the “blue” hour transcended into darkness….

Carter Lake Sunset 20140816 017

Big Dipper, Carter Lake 20140816 017

Posted in General, Landscapes, Nighttime, Sunrise/Sunset and tagged , , , , by with no comments yet.

Worldview 3 Launch Event Coverage

Last week I got to work at my company’s (DigitalGlobe) Worldview-3 satellite launch event at Vandenberg AFB in California as an Event Photographer. This was my third launch event for them and the most exciting one yet.

This was shot as Nikon D90, 80-200mm, 2x Doubler (effectively 600mm), f/4, ISO 400, 1/160s from about 4 miles away:

WV3 20140813 1723 (Edit)

WV3 20140813 1723 (Edit)

One of the VIP events this time was a visit to the Atlas-V Launch Pad on the afternoon before launch…

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While I wasn’t shooting for work, I was out shooting for pleasure. The countryside in and around Solvang, Los Olivos, and Santa Ynez is a lot like the foothills below Mariposa where I grew up. And with that beautiful setting sun for lighting, it was spectacular to photograph. Here are a few shots from that area….

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WV3 20140810 010 (Edit)

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WV3 20140811 189

I was also out looking for Michael Jackson’s old Neverland Ranch entrance that happens to be near Santa Ynez. With the help of DigitalGlobe’s tools and satellite imagery, I was able to locate the entrance on and send those coordinates to my iPhone which opened it in Maps and led me right to it. What a very solemn and spiritual moment I had, standing at the front of this place, thinking about Michael and his tragic end, but this place must have been a magical retreat for the King of Pop. All the rides, animals and trains are gone now (The Jackson’s sold the place several years ago I believe) but the front is still intact and the new owners have been kind enough to even leave the stones intact where fans have written their goodbyes to Michael. Very touching and surreal for me.

Neverland Ranch Entrance

Neverland Ranch Entrance

Neverland Ranch Entrance

Neverland Ranch Entrance

Neverland Ranch Entrance

Neverland Ranch Entrance

Neverland Ranch Entrance

Neverland Ranch Entrance

Neverland Ranch Entrance

Neverland Ranch Entrance

Posted in General, HDR, Landscapes, Nighttime, Sunrise/Sunset and tagged , , , , , , , by with no comments yet.

Milky Way from Lake Maconaughy

I spent some time late at night while camping on the lake a few weeks back to capture the Milky Way. Just playing around, but I think I’ve found what works and what doesn’t. Here’s one image that I liked out of the dozen or so I shot.

Lake Maconaughy Milky Way 20140724 213

Lake Maconaughy Milky Way 20140724 213

Nikon D90, 17-55mm f/2.8 Lens
30s at f/2.8
ISO 6400

Comments or Critics are welcome…

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