Asha at One Year

My niece Asha turned One in February. I can’t believe it’s already been a year. Look how she’s growing up everyone!

Asha 1yr 20150215 083

Asha 1yr 20150215 083

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Asha 1yr 20150215 002

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Asha 1yr 20150215 044

Asha 1yr 20150215 123

Asha 1yr 20150215 123

Asha 1yr 20150215 053

Asha 1yr 20150215 053

Asha 1yr 20150215 031

Asha 1yr 20150215 031

Posted in General, Infants/Toddlers, Shoots and tagged , , , by with no comments yet.

Vivian at Six Months

Our Doctor’s eldest daughter brought her family in for portraits recently to capture her daughter at 6 months. Vivian is such a happy baby and extremely easy to work with. These were all shot in my studio, using my new Alien Bee B800 and 60″ October softbox. Here’s a small sampling from our session…

Vivian 20150215 014

Vivian 20150215 014

Vivian 20150215 140

Vivian 20150215 140

Vivian 20150215 133

Vivian 20150215 133

Vivian 20150215 093

Vivian 20150215 093

Vivian 20150215 070

Vivian 20150215 070

Posted in General, Infants/Toddlers and tagged , , , , by with no comments yet.