Asha at One Year
My niece Asha turned One in February. I can’t believe it’s already been a year. Look how she’s growing up everyone!

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Asha 1yr 20150215 031
Posted in General, Infants/Toddlers, Shoots and tagged 1 Year, Asha, studio, toddler by greggl with no comments yet.
Christmas Wonderment
I took my new niece into my studio to play around with Christmas lights (this being her very first Christmas) and her wonderment was so precious. My daughter was sitting right alongside her to keep an eye on her too. No babies were harmed in this shoot! ;)

Asha Christmas 20141222 101

Asha Christmas 20141222 079
Posted in Family/Group, Infants/Toddlers, Portraits and tagged Asha, Christmas, infant, lights, portraits, studio by greggl with no comments yet.