Fall Colors in Colorado – Part II

Steve and I ventured out to Guanella Pass yesterday and found 1000 of our fellow color chasers on the same road. It was like a 4 lane highway all the way up to the top of Guanella Pass. Too many people and too many cars for our taste. The colors were OK, but the crowds really gave us a distaste for the region.

We ended up going over the top of the pass and down a few side roads on the west side. We finally got into more Aspens and a lot fewer cars/people and started taking decent pictures. The one image below was from the West side of the pass and up CR 801.

I’ll post more from this second trip into the high country to view the fall colors in Colorado later this week. Enjoy!

More Aspen color layering

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Fall Colors in Colorado

This is my favorite time of the year. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting cooler, and football is back in the spotlight every weekend. It’s also time for the annual turning of the Aspens in Colorado.

Aspens Are Turning

Yellow on White

I needed to get away today to clear my head and think about other, more happier things. It’s been an extremely busy week, coupled with a nice little surprise from my ex-wife on Saturday, so I took off for the Piney Lake area north of Vail, in search of the Aspens. I’d never been into the Piney Lake area for the Aspens, but when I shot a wedding up there back in July, I immediately made a mental note to venture back there for the fall colors. I did find some Aspens today, though not as plentiful as in other areas of Colorado, they still didn’t disappoint either. And with today being a generally overcast and rainy day, the vivid colors came through in these pictures!

Overall, the Aspens in the Vail Valley are about one week short of having peak colors. Some groves (like the one above) are in full color right now. While others (well most of the others) are still dirty or still in the green stage.

One thing to remember when out shooting the Aspens, don’t forget to look around you and underneath your feet — the ground cover right now is overflowing with color! (See below!)

Colorful Ground Cover

More Colorful Ground Cover

Colorful Trail

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Participate in the “America at Home” Project

Rick Smolan and his team are putting on another photo challenge called America at Home and invite everyone in America to become a part of it.

To read more, read the entire article posted over at The Digital Story.

Set aside some time to shoot what “home” means to you, during the week of September 17th-23rd, and then submit your images to MyAmericaAtHome.com.

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