10 Reader-Submitted Photography Tips

Here’s a good article listing 10 Reader-submitted photo tips to better your photography.

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Inspirational Post from Moose Peterson

Every passionate photographer should go read Moose’s guest post over on Scott Kelby’s wonderful blog: here. Very inspirational story about the passion and experience a true photographer gains over time.

An excellent read. Check out some of the comments too! Wow.

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Calypso Fairy Orchid

Early Season Wildflowers

On a tip from Andrea Sedlmayr at RE/MAX of Boulder, I ventured up to the top of Sugerloaf Road in Boulder Canyon on Saturday to shoot the endangered Calypso Fairy Orchid that is out in full bloom right now. What a beautiful little flower and a great opportunity! Here I used my 80-200mm lens with 12mm-, 24mm- and 36mm-extension tubes, sometimes stacked together, and a reflector to capture these gorgeous tiny flowers.

What do you think about these images?

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