Invite the Viewer In! : Moose Peterson’s Website

From Moose Peterson, comes this article about something you just can’t plan for, nor can you be taught how to do, nor can you buy the tools/techniques to achieve… Invite the Viewer In! : Moose Peterson’s Website. So very true. Check it out!

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Lone Cottonwood, Lighting Geese

Another image from that beautiful setting sun last week. As I sat there shooting the barn and cottonwood, I couldn’t believe my luck! And not only did my wife call me just as I pulled up to this spot to ask if I could go pick up Sofia from school, but then these geese came in to feed and made the scene all the more photogenic, that I simply had to stay and shoot! I did make it in time to pick up Sofia from school, but I was speeding on back roads and running to get her before closing!

But I think it was worth every minute I spent shooting that day… Don’t you?

Cottonwood With Geese Lighting

Cottonwood With Geese Lighting

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Meet Wyatt James Sullivan

Meet Wyatt James Sullivan, born February 27th and cousin to Addison Claire Goering.

Wyatt James Sullivan

Wyatt James Sullivan

Wyatt James Sullivan

Wyatt James Sullivan

Wyatt James Sullivan

Wyatt James Sullivan

Wyatt James Sullivan

Wyatt James Sullivan

Wyatt James Sullivan with Big Sister Haley

Wyatt James Sullivan with Big Sister Haley

Wyatt James Sullivan with Mom and Dad

Wyatt James Sullivan with Mom and Dad

Wyatt James Sullivan

Wyatt James Sullivan

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