Point Reyes

I’m finally getting around to processing the several hundreds of images from my trip to San Francisco back in early June. During that business trip, a couple of friends and I took a day trip away from work and the City, venturing out onto Point Reyes and Tomalas Bay.

Old Navy "taxi" we were told about.

An old Navy "taxi" we were told about.

While we were shooting this old boat, we saw an old sea dog walking around with another person. We overheard bits of what he was talking about, and soon started asking questions. We learned that this boat was an old Navy “taxi” for taking sailors from the big Navy ships in to harbor for onshore adventures. The second tidbit was that after it was retired and the boat became somewhat a fishing boat, the entire second “level” was added to gain height needed for spotting fish.

Pretty cool little boat with a storied past!

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Good Efforts Gone Awry

As you probably can tell by now, I bring my camera with me to almost every Rockies game these days. I love being able to capture some special moments or just capturing the grandeur of Coors Field. I love this stadium and I love baseball.

For some reason this one game, my camera was set to something along the lines of +2.5EV, meaning that every shot was captured at 2.5 stops brighter than what the good exposure was. Yikes! And I didn’t realize this until about 30 frames into the game.

Back home at the Digital Darkroom, I’m uploading the images from the previous day’s events and remembered these 30 way-overexposed images and thought, “What can I do to salvage something from these shots?”

Solution — High-contrast black and white!

Here’s the results from a 12-shot panoramic attempt, all shot at +2.5EV.

Rockies 4th July 2011

(Click to view larger image)

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Upper Deck

Here is a three-image, hand-held HDR taken from the very tip-top of Coors Field, looking straight down towards home plate. This image is stunning when viewing the original HDR photo fullscreen.

Upper Deck

From the Upper Deck

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