Happy Easter

Easter 20140420 024

Easter 20140420 024

Posted in Fine Art, General and tagged , by with no comments yet.

House With a View

Somewhere over Sunset Cliffs, can you imagine having a home whose DAILY views are similar to these sunset/surf images I’ve posted below?

Sunset Cliffs 20140328 923 (Edit)

Sunset Cliffs 20140328 923 (Edit)


(#Lightroom, #NikCollection #ColorEfexPro 8s exposure at f/16 and 1600 ISO)

Posted in Fine Art, Landscapes, Shoots and tagged , , , , , by with no comments yet.

Pacific Sunset

San Diego 20140328 426 (Edit)

San Diego 20140328 426 (Edit)

#Lightroom, #NikCollection #ColorEfexPro

Posted in Fine Art, General, Landscapes and tagged , , , , by with no comments yet.